1. The ability to do something that frightens one.In one case courage is defined by taking action in the face of fear and in the other it is defined by dealing with the difficulties that life throws our way. When I think of defining courage, I am also reminded of the famous phrase by Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart, "I know it when I see it."
2. Strength in the face of pain or grief.
I am not sure if I see courage more than most people, but it sometimes feels that way. I often find myself admiring from afar the courage others display. So many people have faced such difficult challenges and find the strength to get up and go to work, invest in the people in their lives, and continue to make a difference in the face of internal pain, pressure, and stress. I see these people getting up every day and moving forward in life and it inspires me. There is another group of people who, in the face of fear, I see going after their passions and living as close to their values as possible. These folks are vulnerable to highs and lows of life, allowing themselves to authentically feel the joy and pain life has to offer.
When I watch movies, nothing brings on a rush of emotion like amazing displays of courage. When I am facing challenges in my own life I try to think about those who have inspired me in the face of their challenges and I let the strength they displayed give me the courage I need to try and move forward. In many cases the strength they showed was allowing themselves enough vulnerability to acknowledge their pain, feel their weakness, and ask for the help and support they needed from others.
I am also a romantic and dreamer. The luck of where and to whom we are born and the randomness of opportunity plays a much more significant role in our lives than we want to admit, but everyone faces moments where they can and should follow their passions and take risks in the face of fear. Sometimes I think I talk a better game than I play when it comes to going after what I want in life, but I try to draw on the courage of those who have taken risks with not certainty of reward. The willingness to step out on a limb and go after the meaning and pleasure that will bring them true happiness and purpose in life.
I have had to learn to let go of the shame I feel for the moments in my life where I lacked courage. There have been plenty of times where I crumbled under the pressure of struggle and lets my passions pass me by without a second glance. Instead, I try to focus on and learn from my best moments and let the courage of others help inspire my path forward. I am sure I will fall short again in the future to match the courage of my ideals, but I do not want to give up on myself or the range of possibilities that life has to offer.
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